Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ordinary Walks

You slowly became the affect
My small incandescent bliss.
You over time evolved into a hobby,
That thing I did in the evening;
Walking the streets looking for
You to tell me why I was looking for you.

Played Division, ours none. A
Black & White bell on your dress.
Or stale letters still sitting on a coffee
Table waiting to be addressed.
Some irk of the taught. Pulling
Out the evening tide.

You never came quick when I called
Tuesday afternoons alone, in Evanston
Where your mother never knew you went,
My suspicion grew neigh. But I never left again.

Monday, January 26, 2009

1:26:09 (Hate)


I hate your hair.  The way you never talk out loud.  
I would think you had Asberger's if someone told me so.  
I've talked less to myself over the past five months than words to you.
I hate the way you don't bite your nails.

Your skin, it's smooth and well polished, it bothers me,
I hate your brown eyes, they've confused me.  They have never made me
laugh.  If smiling was it, I hate you for it.  I hate your absence, the abscess,
you are a pull in my groin a tremble in my voice.

When you drop by in my unexpected, I tear up, skin-dry
and an extra pack of cigarettes to get through seeing you, five
extra dollars I have to spend.  I hate knowing that their is a girl like you,
why did you have to go being so goddamned fucking perfect?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Extinct Birds(Our Mistakes)

Extinct Birds(Our Mistakes)

Are we there yet?
Soon we can share a toothbrush, before
long we'll even taste the same, a little bit of vanilla
and some French bread will take us a long way.

I guess donating blood is out of the question
until you come back from navigating detours.  The rental cars too,
are going to be unavailable, but I find purpose
walking in the cold to see you.

It hasn't been this heavy-set in almost
two or four years, hours of waiting at the drawstring 
blind, twisting back-and-forth.  The new view is already outdated, and
I have had to find new ways of coping.

The new blanket I brought here, the violet tie on the floor, and
especially guest pass with your name on it- reasons to step outside.  I
am dying for you.  A little bit of dying can be a good thing.  Some room
away from the rest to really see what this all will look like from a distance.